Donald E. Harris

 Services & Rates


$60 per hour


Explanation of Therapies/Costs—Package Therapies

 Introductions: Adaptive Health Care Services (AHCS) uses Energy Health Protocols to assist clients with theirimage health conditions. AHCS uses the “Self-Responsibility” model for educating clients on how to use the holistic health tools demonstrated and provided. AHCS is not a conventional medical facility or “medical doctor.” We are not concerned about what your medical doctor’s named diagnosis is. It takes Life Force Energy to run and maintain the body’s (Physical body, Energy Body & Spiritual Body) homeostasis.  Every healthcare system has a theory of promotion. AHCS derives its theory from those healthcare systems that are based in Life Force Energy Theory (Yin/Yang, Chi or Qi, Prana, & Natural Sources). Therefore, we believe that all illness and imbalances are a result of the dysfunction of the human energy system. AHCS’s Adaptive Energy Health Program is designed to assess your Energy Body Field (EBF), purge energy blockages, purify negative energy, tonify and strengthen your energy, and promote the regeneration of your energy and energy field in the hopes that physical imbalances will either be prevented or  promote strengthening of your natural healing mechanisms. Adaptive Energy Health Program can be used as a stand alone protocol, integrative---as part of other health modalities; or synergistic protocol---works to strengthen the healing outcomes of other modalities. Below is a brief explanation of the steps taken in the AHCS’s Adaptive Energy Health Program:


NES stands for Nutri-Energetic System. NES is a two step protocol: (1) Assessing the “Human Body Field” by  taking a “picture” of the HBF through the use of the patented NES computer/hand device; and (2) Recommending Infoceutical remedies to correct and strengthen the distortions in your Human Body Field. AHCS uses NES in many ways but fundamentally as an assessment tool initially. Dr. Peter H. Fraser along with Harry Massey  the inventor/founders of the NES system states in Decoding the Human Body-Field, pg. 170, “From a bioenergetics perspective, all illness starts in the body-field, because all physiological processes that break down do so because of information distortions. Both aspects of your body---its biochemistry and its bioenergetics---mutually contribute to its homeostasis.” The NES Assessment gives you 145 pieces of energetic information that is divided into 9 reports: Big Field Alignment, Polarity, Energetic Drivers, Energetic Integrators, Energetic Terrains, Energetic Stars, Emotions, Environment, and Nutrition. After the Reports have been analyzed, an assessment is done to recommend the correct Infoceutical—bottle of imprinted vibratory mineral water that is taken in a recommended way to promote the correction of weakened energy areas.

Costs: Assessment--$60.00 & each Infoceutical--$25.00

 STEP 2: Touch For Health Kinesiology

Touch For Health Kinesiology (TFH) is an essential part of the Adaptive Energy Health Program. Why? It uses muscle testing to determine where there are energy blockages in the body’s energy channels then opens up those energy channels by stimulating certain energetic mechanisms of the body: Neurolymphatic points, Neurovascular points, Meridian Tracing, Origin/Insertion of Muscles, Acupressure Holding Points, and Nutrition. It uses other tools to open up energy channels such as the Time Wheel, Five Elements Theory, sound, color, and vision. There is a total of 42 muscles in the TFH Energy Balancing System. “Touch For Health works with the subtle body energies that are just beginning to be explained by quantum physics,” TFH Complete Edition, pg. iii. We give recognition to Dr. John Thie the founder of TFH and Dr. George Goodheart the progeny and founder of Applied Kinesiology.  TFH Kinesiology Levels I thru IV is taught on a monthly basis through the Tough For Health Kinesiology Training Institute of Monterey Bay.

Costs: Starts at $60.00

STEP 3: Holistic Health Recommendations

From Steps 1 & 2 we progress to Step 3 because by then two things would have happened: (1) Energy Assessment and (2) positive Energy changes. In Step 3, three types of therapies are utilized in order to promote and seal the progress that has been made by the first two Steps: (1) Physical manipulation, (2) Energetic tools that further increase the potency, vitality, and promote the body’s healing powers, (3) Detoxification to relieve the strain on the body’s immune system, and (4) the beginning of Energy techniques to further the maintenance of a good energy system. [Pictures are of Ionic Foot Detox Therapy ---Before & After]

Costs: Starts at $60.00

 STEP 4: Continuous Maintenance

Here is where the importance of education and practice of the “Self-Responsibility Model” really takes hold. Taking the responsibility of one’s own health entails the understanding that most health conditions did not manifest (symptoms) over night and that it took a continuous life style events in which the body periodically attempted to warn you. It is going to take a consistent effort on the part of the client to reverse the negative health condition whether it be emotional, psychological, physical or spiritual. AHCS recommends that the client participate in the TFH and EFT workshops, practice the Home Assignments and avail themselves of the free educational opportunities of the Therapist Contact section on the reverse side.

Cost: Workshops and Community Information Gatherings are as low as Free to $50.00 to more extensive TFH workshops of $350.00. Scholarships, student discounts, AMTA-CA discounts, and package discounts are available. Home Assignments and Therapist Contact are all free to the serious “Self-Responsible” client.

 Hello, I work as a nurse at a local hospital all night. When my doctors could not tell me why I was tired all of the time even after 10 hrs. of sleep, I went to AHCS and took the AEHP.I immediately began to feel my energy restored and now I’m able to work all night like when I first started! Grace & Good Health, Lucia




 Energy Balance Package #1--- $250.00:

  • image3 Step 1 Sessions---all Infoceuticals are $25.00
  • 3 Step 2 Sessions
  • 1 Free Step 3
  • A $65.00 savings

 Energy Balance Package #2 --- $190.00:

  • 2 Step 1 Sessions---all Infoceuticals are $25.00
  • 2 Step 2 Sessions
  • 1 Free Step 3
  • A $35.00 savings

 Energy Balance Package #3 --- $225.00

  • 3 Step 1 Sessions --- all Infoceuticals are $25.00
  • 2 Step 2 Sessions
  • 1 Free Step 3
  • A $45.00 savingsimage

 Energy Balance Package #4 --- $145.00

  • 1 Step 1 Session --- all Infoceuticals are $25.00
  • 3 Step 2
  • 1 Free Step 3
  • A $45.00 savings

 Energy Massage/Bodywork #5 --- $180.00

  • 3 Step 3 Sessions in Massage Box
  • 1 Step 2 Session
  • 1 Free Step 2 Session
  • A $45.00 savings

 Energy Balance Savings Packages #6

  • Take any Session 3 times and get the 4th Session Free
  • Recommend someone who takes any of the Sessions & get 2 free Sessions
  • Take any of the TFH Level 1 --- 4 Workshops & get 2 free Sessions
  • Sign up for the ONE YEAR PACKAGE & get 4 Sessions of your choice free!

Home visits are available. Senior Citizen, Homeless Veteran, Student, Unemployed, Children, Disabled, Special Needs, Hospice, and religious leader referrals rates and programs are available. Touch For Health Kinesiology Free Clinic every Friday from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. call for location and time.

*The above Package prices are subject to change.




NES stands for Nutri-Energetic Health System. It was invented by Peter Frazier and Henry Massey; and is based on Einstein’s quantum physic principles. It is well established that all humans have what is called an energy body that extends outside of the body. NES calls this field the Human Body Field others have called it the body aura. The Human Body Field is composed of photons (light), phonons (sounds), electrons, frequencies, vibrations, waves, and nano-particles that contain information about a person’s physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual history. Please read more in the handouts provided. NES provides 145 pieces of energetic information in 9 reports. The following is what the NES assessment revealed about Dr. McCormack’s energy assessment. Dr. McCormack’s 9 Reports are as follows:


The first report is the BFA. This report gives an assessment of the client’s energy field’s relationship to the Earth’s magnetic polarity fields.





6) EMOTIONS - Report 6


8) NUTRITION - Report 8




Origins of Kinesiology

Kinesiology originated in 1964 with the discoveries of American chiropractor Dr. George Goodheart, the founder of Applied Kinesiology and the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK).  He developed a new system of evaluating various body functions by testing specific muscles, which reflect the current health status of a person’s glands, organs, nervous system, endocrine system, lymphatic system, circulation as well as muscle and bone structures. This system complemented chiropractic spinal manipulation resulting in better facilitation of muscles, improved posture and better functioning of the entire nervous system.

            In the early 1970’s, Dr. John Thie, a chiropractor and colleague of Dr. Goodheart, systemized kinesiology with a simpler system of self-help called “Touch For Health” and made these techniques available to lay people all around the world. This allowed people from every walk of life to take more responsibility for their own health and wellbeing. Touch For Health today is taught in 100 countries around the world.

Today there are many kinesiology modalities but the vast majority of them can be put into three broad categories: Applied Kinesiology – Dr. Goodheart developed for doctors  (licensed to diagnose); Traditional Kinesiology – Orthopedic/physical therapist/sports trainers --- to test the strength and movement of the muscles and skeletal systems; Specialized Kinesiology – Touch For Health – Dr. Thie -- falls into this category. Muscle testing as a biofeedback mechanism to interpret bio-computer information given by the body or better yet a person’s Soul – body, mind, and spirit. There are many Specialized Kinesiology modalities. Just to name a few: Neuro-kinesiology, Professional Kinesiology Practitioner, Energy Kinesiology, Educational Kinesiology, Psychological Kinesiology, Bio-Kinesiology, and Nutritional Kinesiology.

            Dr. Thie has found that the technique of “Goal Setting” to be the most effective way of achieving results for a wide range of conditions that include but are not limited to the resolution of pain, emotional problems, phobias, and physical, mental, and spiritual maladies. Touch For Health does not treat specific allopathic diseases or medical conditions.

Current Scheduled Calendar

Please check the Touch For Health Association website below for the most current and up to date schedule. If you see your region on here and you have a problem or concern, it’s important that you contact me immediately because this information is going on the international and national websites as well as my websites. 

Name of WorkshopDateTimeLocationETuition

TFH Kinesiology Levels 1 & 2July 12 - 15, 2012 9A.M.-5P.M.Toledo, Ohio Special$350

In Conclusion & websites

I am excited about my new career. The career of a workshop sponsor and certified instructor. In the spirit of Dr. John & Carrie Thie, I want to spread this healing modality to as many people as possible. May we join hands in this effort?  I want to thank Matthew Thie and Arlene Greene and all of the Touch For Health people who work unselfishly to make this possible and to give us a life changing experience.

Websites for further information:  (International Kinesiology College)  (Touch For Health Association of America) (Adaptive Health Care Services)

FaceBook:       Adaptive Health Care Services

                      Touch For Health Kinesiology Training Institute of Monterey Bay


Phones:          (408) 477-5212 (Mobile) & (831) 384-6423 (Business)

 A great man once said, “Who touched me?” If you’ve been touched then touch another and I thank you for touching me. My only prayer is that I have touched you likewise



All workbook manuals, books, and handouts are provided and included in the tuition cost. By doing this, everyone has the necessary materials that go with the class and no one is left out. A lot of instruction is done using the learning materials. The following is what is included in each level of instruction:

Level I:  Balancing-as-you-go

  • Permission/Education
  • Posture Awareness
  • Zip Up, Switch On & Tune In
  • Muscle Testing, Accurate Indicator Muscle (AIM)
  • Unexpected Muscle Response
  • Pretests: (AIM, Water, Central Meridian, Switching) Physical, Emotional, and Energetic Challenges
  • Emotional Stress Release for Present Distress, Physical (or Emotional) Pain
  • Basic Goal-Setting/Balancing
  • 14-Muscle Balancing-as-you-go
  • Spinal Reflex-SR (skin stretch), Neurolymphatic Massage Points (firm pressure), Neurovascular Holding Points (LIGHT holding), Meridian Tracing (trace within 3”), Origin and Insertion Technique (Jiggling)/Heavy Pressure
  • Challenging: (CL to Challenge a reflex)
  • Strengthening with Food; Balancing for Digestion
  • Walking, Cross Crawl
  • Auricular energy, Visual Inhibition
  • Opposing Muscle Strengthening; “Test also” Muscles
  • Surrogate Testing
  • Simple Pain Control: Feathering, Spindling: Flushing/Running Meridians

Level II: Assessment/1-Point Balancing

  • 28/14+ Muscle Balancing
  • Origin/Insertion (O/I): Spindle Cell, Golgi Tendon, Acupressure holding points (AHP); Cerebro-Spinal Reflex
  • Circuit Locating (CL): Switching, Reflex Points
  • Yin/Yang Concept
  • Assessment Balancing/1-Point Balancing
  • Alarm Points for Over-Energy
  • 24 Hour Wheel; 5 Elements (Phases)
  • ESR (Emotional Stress Release) for Future Performance
  • Meridian Massage/Meridian Dance
  • Meridian Walking
  • Basic Food Testing; Food Testing with C1 (Sensitivity Mode)
  • More Simple Pain Control
  • Sedating/Re-strengthening a Muscle
  • Cross Crawl Integration Time of Day Balance

Level III: Reactive Muscles/Assessment Balancing Review

  • 14/28/42 or 14+ Muscle Balancing
  • Color Balance
  • Goal w/ 5 Element Emotions
  • Reactive Pattern Shortcut
  • Reactivity, Circuit retaining Mode
  • Gait Testing and Balancing
  • ESR for Past Trauma; Past Balancing
  • Sedation Techniques; Pain Tapping; Pulse Points
  • 5-Element Balancing with Food; Foods for Balancing
  • Metaphorical/Symbolic Value of Food*

Level IV: Postural Analysis; 42 Muscles Lying or Standing; Review

  • 42/14+ Muscle Balancing; Anatomical Balancing
  • ESR with 5 Element Emotion
  • Sound Balance
  • Luo Points
  • Figure Eight Energy
  • NL- Release
  • Postural Stress Relief
  • Posture Analysis
  • Repeated Testing & Re-strengthening with SR and NL*
  • In-Depth Interview for Pain Control; In-Depth Interview for Remembering Wellness with Goal-Setting*

General Program

  • Workshops start at 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
  • All workbooks, handouts & materials are included in the tuition.
  • Healthy snacks are provided

A healthy lunch is provided (mostly vegetarian



$60 per Hour






Massage/Bodyword: Medical Qigong, Chi Nei Tsang, Tui Na, Medical Massage, Jin Shin Acu-Fusion, Auricular Therapy, Reflexology, Acupressure, Geriatric Massage, Chair Massage & Swedish-American

EFT: Emotional Freedom Techniques

Energetic Devices: SCENAR Therapy, Q1000 Low Level Laser, Magnet Therapy, Crystal/Gem Therapy, AURA Patch Therapy, Herbal/Homeopathic Remedies, Imprinter Vibratory Frequencies, Chi Machine, Sound Therapy & Dr. Ho's Pain Relief.

Detox Program: Ionic Foot Detox, Electro-Magnetic Detox, Colon?Organ Detox, Ionic Water Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage, Castor Oil Abdominal Detox, Psylium Husk/Probiotic Therapy and Mobile Colon Hydro-therapy

Therapist is certified in all of the above holistic modalitiesimage





Your Therapist: Donald E. Harris

 (831) 384-6423 (ofc) (408) 477-5212 (cell)



 California Health Freedom Law:

California Senate Bill SB577


The Legislature hereby finds and declares all of the following:

  (A)          Based upon a comprehensive report by the National Institute of Medicine and other studies, including a study published by the New England Journal of Medicine, it is evident that millions of Californians, perhaps more than five million, are presently receiving a substantial volume of health care services from complementary and alternative health care practitioners. Those studies further indicate that individuals utilizing complementary and alternative health care services cut across a wide variety of age, ethnic, socioeconomic, and other demographic categories.

  (B)           Notwithstanding the widespread utilization of complementary and alternative medical services by Californians, the provision of many of these services may be in technical violation of the Medical Practice Act (Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 2000) of Division 2 of the Business and Professions Code). Complementary and alternative health care practitioners could therefore be subject to fines, penalties, and the restriction of their practice under the Medical Practice Act even though there is no demonstration that their practices are harmful to the public.

  (C)           The Legislature intends, by enactment of this act, to allow access by California residents to complementary and alternative health care practitioners who are not providing services that require medical training and credentials. The Legislature further finds that these nonmedical complementary and alternative services do not pose a known risk to the health and safety of California residents, and that restricting access to those services due to technical violations of the Medical Practice Act is not warranted.


Section 2053.5 is added to the Business and Professions Code, to read:

  2053.5 (A) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person who complies with the requirements of Section 2053.6 shall not be in violation of Section 2051, 2052. or 2053 unless that person does any of the following:

                  (1) Conducts surgery or any other procedure on another person that punctures the skin or harmfully invades the body.

                  (2) Administers or prescribes x-ray radiation to another person.

                  (3) Prescribes or administers legend drugs or controlled substances to another person.

                  (4) Recommends the discontinuance of legend drugs or controlled substances prescribed by an appropriately licensed practitioner.

                  (5) Willfully diagnoses and treats a physical or mental condition of any person under circumstances or conditions that cause or create risk of great bodily harm, serious physical or mental illness, or death.

                  (6) Set fractures.

                  (7) Treats lacerations or abrasions through electrotherapy.

                  (8) Holds out, states, indicates, advertises, or implies to a client or prospective client that he or she is a physician, a surgeon, or a physician and surgeon.

  (B) A person who advertises any services that are not unlawful under Section 2051,2052, or 2053 pursuant to subdivision (a) shall disclose in the advertisement that he or she is not licensed by the state as a healing arts practitioner.


 Section 2053.6 is added to the Business and Professions Code, to read:

  2053.6. (A) A person who provides services pursuant to Section 2053.5 that are not unlawful under Section 2051, 2052, or 2053 shall, prior to providing those services, do the following:

                  (1)  Disclose to the client in a written statement using plain language the following information:

                                    (a) That he or she is not a licensed physician.

                                    (b) That the treatment is alternative or complementary to healing arts services licensed by the state.

                                    (c) That the services to be provided are not licensed by the state.

                                    (d) The nature of the services to be provided.

                                    (e) The theory of treatment upon which the services are based.

                                    (f) His or her educational, training, experience, and other qualifications regarding the services to be provided.

                  (2) Obtain a written acknowledgement from the client stating that he or she has been provided with the information described in paragraph (1). The client shall be provided with a copy of the written acknowledgement, which shall be maintained by the person providing the service for three years.

                                    (a) The information required by subdivision

                                    (b) Nothing in this section or in Section 2053.5 shall be construed to do the following:

                                                      (i) Affect the scope of practice of licensed physicians and surgeons.

                                                      (ii) Limit the right of any person to seek relief for negligence or any other civil remedy against a person providing services subject to the requirements of this section.


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